Meeting Time: June 21, 2022 at 5:15pm MDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4. 22-221 Continued Public Hearing to consider the adoption of the FY 2022-23 Sandy City Budget. This item includes: Resolutions 22-30C and 22-31C of Sandy City, adopting the annual budget for Sandy City and the Alta Canyon Recreation District for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023; also establishing certain fees and charges in Sandy City for said fiscal year.

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    Ronald Mangone about 2 years ago

    After discussion with a number of the Sandy City Council members, reviewing the audio file of the June 14, 2022 council meeting with regard to Building Projects: Priorities and Financing and Exhibits. I CANNOT support the Budget Adoption with a 42% property tax increase and Truth in Taxation Hearing. Rather, the more prudent approach would be to adopt the Mayor’s Budget as originally presented, with No Truth in Taxation hearing. Then immediately constitute a task force to review each project and explore other means, both public and private, for financing.

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    Patrick Casaday about 2 years ago

    I have been out of the country for the past two weeks and moments ago I glanced through your agenda. I am dismayed (even somewhat appalled) that you are proposing an increase in the certified property tax rate during perhaps the highest inflation and consumer price index in my lifetime - with both expected to rise even more. There are (I believe) many other alternatives to burdening the taxpayer, and had I not been gone I would have helped you explore them. I suppose that my family can deal with your tax increase but I know that many of my Sandy friends and neighbors will be having a hard time. I realize you have budget deadlines but now is not the time the overload the taxpayer.

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    Barbara Bartee about 2 years ago

    I would like to voice my support for the renovation of Alta Canyon Recreation Center. Please don't push funding back another year. My husband owns a construction company and I can tell you construction costs will only go up not down, the longer Sandy City waits to fund the project the more money it will cost taxpayers to renovate in a future year. The sooner the facility is updated and expanded, not only will it cost less for the taxpayers but Alta Canyon will have the space to support more programs for our children and youth which is a substantial part of their revenue stream. There will be fewer waiting lists for those programs and the center will be able to service more residents of Sandy. Please make it a priority this year. Thank you

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    Grant Marchant about 2 years ago

    Regarding Sandy City considering increasing its portion of Salt Lake County property tax rate to fund renovation/addition of Alta Canyon Sports Center, construction of additional fire station and other projects, I clearly am not in favor of any property tax increase either by increasing tax rate or Salt Lake County increasing property appraisal. Funding of projects should come from property/sales taxes and impact fee revenue derived from new housing and commercial development that causes these needs and wants. As well, the user fees should pick up all costs related to construction, maintenance and operation of the sports center where it is easily identifiable who the users are. Government and taxing entities are quick to increase property taxes on apparent property values increasing but an increase in residential properties value rarely increases the owners income and ability to pay the tax bill. We are in unprecedented times of high inflation and balancing of Sandy City and Salt Lake County budgets should be through efficiency and where needed, reduction of services that don’t serve the majority.

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    Cathy Spuck, Sandy home owner about 2 years ago

    If I never use the Bulk Waste Program, how do I get an exemption from paying the new monthly fee????