Meeting Time: November 28, 2023 at 5:15pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

5. ANEX08292023-006598(CC) Olsen Farms Annexation (R-1-10 Zone) 10216S. 10250 S. and 10254 S. Dimple Dell Road Community #29

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    Armando Alvarez 10 months ago

    Two quick points.
    1. When the Funk property (across the street and roughly 100 yards south) was developed no curb and gutter or sidewalk was required. I would ask that this project not be required to install the improvements as well. Dimple Dell Road has an old country road feel and it’s a shame to lose that.
    2. On the southwest corner of the property there is a beautiful trail that drops down into the park. It is used by both hikers and horses. The Site plan should include a connection to the trail.
    Thank you

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    Steve Van Maren 10 months ago

    Good evening, Council.
    I am at the Public Hearing for the SVSD Budget and rate increase tonight, and not sure when I will be able to join the council meeting.
    I support the annexation, but not the zoning. This is an area that calls for larger lots to prevent density this close to the park, and enable more horse owners to enjoy the lifestyle seen as quickly disappearing in SE Salt Lake County.
    The Sandy's Transportation Master Plan calls for widening Dimple Dell Road around the park, but has been blocked by residents living in the area. At any capacity, developing this area will increase traffic; Sandy's Traffic Engineer indicated the traffic study comes with the subdivision plan.
    Please require zoning that has the largest lots by the park, decreasing as the lots are closer to Dimple Dell Road. Then, with all the smallest lots along Dimple Dell Rd the market will find a balance, and lot consolidation may be desired before construction.
    Thank you for your consideration.

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    Sandy Vaseleou 10 months ago

    I am writing this note to address the notice of rezoning and annexation of the property at Olsen Farms, located on Dimple Dell Rd and10216 South.
    I am not opposed to the annexation to Sandy, however changing the zoning is a different matter. Most properties in this area are zoned 1/2 acre. Many parcels are much larger and incorporate agricultural zoning for good reasons. The last and only true equestrian properties border Dimple Dell Park. There are no other places like this in the valley and people come from all over just to experience this park and its surroundings. This is a peaceful, quiet, rural dark area in the valley and is not conducive to high density housing which brings noise, lights, traffic, fencing, dogs and more.
    My property borders this parcel and would affect me the most (10324 S. Dimple Dell Rd.). I have lived there for 33 years and truly enjoy the peace serenity it brings.
    Additional concerns are:
    This is a wildlife corridor. Deer and many other critters use this property for access to and from the park to the foothills.This needs to be preserved and/or addressed by providing a wildlife corridor for them. Also, once houses are erected, people will complain about the “deer” eating up their yards, etc. THIS WILL HAPPEN!
    Traffic is another issue on a 2 lane rural country road with a speed limit of 25 mph. Deer consistently cross this road and would be a definite traffic hazard, not to mention the quantity of cars it would bring.
    Nite sky lighting would be mandatory. No bright lighting to ruin the ambiance of the area. Curb and gutter should be eliminated as well.
    I appreciate any considerations to this matter.
    Sandy Vaseleou

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    Ted Baudendistel 10 months ago

    Dear Sandy City Council,
    While I knew this day would come once Bonnie passed last December, I was surprised to hear that the Olson properties were zoned R-1-10 and that the developer would intend to squeeze as many properties onto the space as possible. While we were not able to review the Olsen Concept map by Wilding dated 8-16-2022 prior to the meeting a couple of weeks ago, the plan causes us serious concerns.
    My family of five resides at 10270 Dimple Dell Road. We have been Bonnie's neighbor for the last 15 years and enjoyed the serenity and privacy of our surroundings. While we didn't know it at the time that we purchased our dream home, it became apparent during several, similar meetings over the last several years where developers have similarly tried to come into the area and change its characteristics by proposing dense developments in conflict with the existing neighborhood. This development will border two sides of our property (north and west). The plan provided calls for as many as five, 0.23 acre properties bordering our single 0.6 acre lot. One can only imagine five, two-story homes in close proximity to our humble single-story rambler, and the views that it will provide to our bedrooms, bathrooms, and side and backyards where our young children play. I can't imagine another single family dwelling in the Salt Lake Valley having this type of development imposed on it, other than our neighbor, the Miller's, being similarly impacted as part of this proposal.
    During the Annexation Council meeting, the Council seemed to partially agree with the overwhelming turnout of local residents that this kind of density was incongruous with the existing neighborhood characteristics. However, I believe that they only focused on the residences adjacent to the park and didn't realize how different the overall proposed siting is. All of the other R-1-10 zoned parcels in this area are already built out and have average lot sizes of 0.57 acres. While on this development a full third (9 out of 27) are less than 0.25 acres, and the full development has average lot sizes of 0.3 acres or about half. In fact, only 1 of the proposed properties at just over 0.5 acres would be able to keep horses on some of the most accessible lots to a 600-acre equestrian park.
    I trust that the Council will make the right recommendation, and let us, the resident's of east Dimple Dell make similar arguments with Salt Lake County about proper development of this area.
    Ted Baudendistel

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    Christine Bernini 10 months ago

    I’m writing today because of a disturbing news story I saw last week. It mentioned that a builder was proposing to annex some property in Dimple Dell into Sandy. This builder wanted to change the building lot size into smaller lots and build a lot of homes in a small area. There are many reasons that this would be a bad idea.
    I remember the builder saying that “not all people want large lots”. Well to counter that, not all people want little lots. The lots in question are horse property lots and since they are adjacent to Dimple Dell Equestrian Park it is the perfect lot for someone looking for horse property. Granted, he wouldn’t be able to put as many homes on the same lot, but the surrounding area would remain as it should as horse property. That is one of the main reasons people move to this area for the “country type” living.
    Another main reason not to build multiple homes in the area is because of Dimple Dell Road. It is a small two lane country road that was never intended to be a throughfare. It wouldn’t be able to handle additional traffic and is already dangerous in spots.
    We built our home off of Dimple Dell Road twenty eight years ago. At the time we were intrigued by the “country setting” and it was one place in Sandy where you could actually see the stars at night.
    Dimple Dell Equestrian Park is a gem in this area. Horseback riders come from all around to ride their horses. It is one of the best “green spaces” in Utah. Please don’t let infrastructure encroachment in the area. We need to preserve this area and maintain current lot sizes with horse property.
    I’m urging you to support keeping the Dimple Dell area as it is now and in the future.
    Christine Bernini

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    Gregory Miller 10 months ago

    11.30 acres located at approximately 10216 S, 10250 S. and 10254 S. Dimple Dell Road in Salt Lake County zoned R-1-10.
    Dear Sandy City Planning Commission,
    Please consider my comments listed herein when considering the above Olsen Farms Annexation to Sandy City.
    First I would like to express my condolences to the Olsen family on the loss of Bonnie. May she rest in peace. Our property located at 10324 S. Dimple Dell Road shares our north property line with Bonnie’s property and she was our neighbor for over 30 years.
    When I purchased our two (2) acre parcel (28-14-126-019-0000) in 1990 it was also zoned R-1-10. We had the zoning downsized through Salt Lake County to R-1-21 (1/2 acre). The subject property as well as our property adjoins the 600 Acre Dimple Dell Equestrian Park. This is Horse Property and in our opinion should remain as such. We have four (4) Arabian show horses on our property and enjoy having immediate access to this ‘gem in the valley’.
    Wildlife is abundant on the subject property as well as our own property. We have deer, squirrels, rabbits, porcupine, skunk, wild turkey, fox and coyotes. Please consider a wildlife corridor running east and west for this wildlife to travel from the Bell Canyon foothills to Dimple Dell Park. I would propose this be a minimum of fifty (50) feet wide and also serve as a buffer between our property and the subject development.
    I am also concerned with maintaining our dark sky and would like to ask that any and all street lights and outdoor home lights point down toward the ground.
    Please also consider the approval of any two story structures on the south side of the property adjoining our parcel. Our home and barn are single story structures.
    The Olsen Concept map by Wilding dated 8-16-2022 shows the easternmost road in the proposed development would point directly at our master bedroom and attached all glass sunroom. The lights from vehicles on this road would shine directly in our master bedroom.
    Lastly, how will the traffic for this many new homes impact our lives. Dimple Dell Road is a rural winding country road with a speed limit of 25-30 mph (25 mph in the subject area) and not adequate to handle this much additional traffic.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Gregory A. Miller Orchard Arabians, LLC 10324 Dimple Dell Road Sandy, UT 84092
    (801) 944-0149